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Roland Schatzer: Bonsai Shohin Passion (english)
• How do I create shohin? • Which techniques do I use? • What to consider? • Practical advice with 1,200 pictures • Guide with stages of development • For beginners and advanced bonsai fans 24,5 x17,3 cm, Hardcover. "Bonsai Shohin Passion", written by the South Tyrolean bonsai expert Roland Schatzer, offers a wide range of tips and advice on 370 pages, for beginners as well as for expert bonsai fans. With more than 1,200 pictures this books shows how shohin trees can be cultivated and refined. Lots of useful knowledge that enables the reader to carry out his/her own experiments to obtain and successfully style a shohin of their own.
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Roland Schatzer: Bonsai Shohin Passion (francais)
Comment créer un shohin ? Quelles techniques utiliser ? Que faut-il prendre en considération ? Des conseils pratiques avec 1200 photos Un guide avec différentes étapes de développement
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Roland Schatzer: Bonsai Shohin Passion (italiano)
• Come creo uno shohin? • Quali tecniche uso? • A che cosa faccio attenzione? • Consigli pratici con 1.200 fotografie • Guida e sviluppi delle specie arboree • Per principianti ed avanzati 24,5 x17,3 cm, Hardcover. Ci sono molti libri sui bonsai e sulle diverse tecniche per progettare e modificare un bonsai. Tuttavia chi è alla ricerca di un libro che si occupi di shohin, lo troverà solo se conosce il giapponese. "Bonsai Shohin Passion" dell‘esperto di bonsai altoatesino Roland Schatzer, chiude questa lacuna e offre oltre 370 pagine di innumerevoli consigli, sia per i nuovi arrivati che per i bonsaisti più esperti. Sulla base di più di 1.200 immagini viene mostrato come si può sviluppare e affinare uno shohin. Un sapere che il lettore può sperimentare in modo indipendente per progettare con successo il "proprio" shohin.
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Shohin – Frühling. Sommer. Herbst. Winter
NEU aus der Edition BONSAI ART: Shohin Frühling. Sommer. Herbst. Winter Kultivierung, Gestaltung und Pflege von kleinen Bonsai von Morten Albek - lieferbar ab Dezember 2020 - Immer mehr Bonsaianer begeistern sich für die kleinen, maximal 20 Zentimeter hohen Bäume. Dieses Buch des dänischen Bonsai-Spezialisten führt uns durch das Jahr und erklärt die Arbeiten, die im Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter ausgeführt werden müssen. Jedes Kapitel behandelt Beispiele der Pflege, Gestaltung und Präsentation. „Mein großer Wunsch ist es, mit diesem Buch die nötigen Kenntnisse zu vermitteln, wie man eigene Bonsai aus rohem oder vorgestaltetem Material entwickeln kann“, sagt Albek. 21 cm x 21 cm, ca. 224 Seiten, Hardcover
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Ursula Funke: Shohin - Presentation (German and English)
Ursula Funke developed a fascination for "small" things at an early age. Since the 1980s, she has been working with bonsai - and this led to a special fondness for shohin. On numerous trips to Japan, she specifically visited Shohin exhibitions and Shohin gardens. She speaks Japanese and learned a lot about shohin display design from Tomohiro Masuri, the president of the Japanese Shohin Society. Her self-published book shows the interested reader what a harmonious Shohin display can look like. She deals with all components: Shohin trees, pots, shelves, tables and other accessories are addressed. It also shows award-winning displays from various exhibitions. We are proud to be able to offer you this multi-faceted compendium. From the blurb: Anyone who wants to create a harmonious Shohin display should study this book. It shows all the components that are necessary for such a display. It starts with shohin trees, pots, rackets, tables and other accessories. Exercises with the different types of racks as well as award-winning displays from various exhibitions are presented. In German and English. 296 pages, 30 x 22 cm, colour, hardcover.
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